Bidiru Aranya Protsaha Yojane (BAPY) - Kanthavara Bamboo Village

Puru +91-9108066377 

See Bambusetum

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Current situation: Kanthavara Village and its surroundings is blessed with natural forests with rich bio diversity. Sadly these forests are being systematically degraded by illegal logging, poaching and encroachments from surrounding agricultural plots.

Bidiru Aranya Protsaha Yojane (BAPY): translates to Bamboo forest development scheme. This privately funded scheme envisages the planting of native Bamboo saplings in public spaces, on road sides, in/around villages Forests lying within Kanthavara village, see sketch below. The first sapling under this scheme was planted on Dec 25, 2023. For full list scroll right below to Public Planting Register.


This scheme is available only to local residents, so that they can easily monitor the welfare / survival of the saplings they plant in the vicinity of their homes and work places, thereby ensuring a high survival rate. Saplings should be spaced sufficiently apart. Every planted cluster is physically tagged, its location and date of planting are recorded in a Public planting register. The condition / survival of saplings are inspected every year during May 1-15th. Fresh planting allotments will be announced by May 27th and will chiefly depend on the welfare / survival of saplings planted earlier. Fresh planting is carried out every year in June, with the onset of the monsoon.

Outcome desired: The objective of planting native bamboo species in precisely such degraded parts of the forests and public areas is to help reconnect the local residents to their dwindling ecological heritage and to help them reassert their stake in their ecological commons. Additionally, owing to Bamboo's unique aesthetics, a by product of this exercise will be the beautification of the entire area which will endow the local residents with a sense of pride in a very visible accomplishment, see pic above


Payment: Locals who take up public planting under the BAPY scheme will receive a total of Rs 500 per sapling, paid in 3 equal installments over 3 years, subject to verification every year. Payments will be adjusted for damages (eg: eaten by cows) or death / disappearance of saplings.

Private Support

Tips: Visitors to the Basecamp who wish to Tip an employee are requested to contact Puru and do so via the Public planting register, so that the employee gets the Tip and a bamboo is planted in your name as well. Tip amount to be Rs500 or multiples thereof. Survival of the bamboo will be verified every year for 3 years.


Donations: Those who wish to donate to nature conservation, rural welfare, women's welfare, can use this BAPY scheme. All the money donated will reach the recipients directly, since all admin costs are borne by Kanthavara Forest Basecamp

Govt. Support

National Bamboo Mission (NBM) and Bamboo Society of India (BSI) are looking to create a model Bamboo Village with 1 Lakh bamboos on privately lands belonging to farmers inside a village. Once this is achieved it will be possible to receive Loans, subsidy, machinery and training to establish a Bamboo industrial enclave complete with processing machinery etc.

Second and third from right: Sridhar Punati (IFS), K N Murthy (IFS) Bamboo Society of India
Second and third from right: Sridhar Punati (IFS), K N Murthy (IFS) Bamboo Society of India

Public Planting Register

Upto Mar 31, 2024 = 14 saplings / 7000 Rs

Jun 1, 2024 onwards = 324 saplings / 162,000 Rs

Total = 338 saplings / 169,000 Rs


For breakup see Public planting register below. Location of planting details available with office

Contact for more details

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

Deca c/o Arunanjali Securities

Address: Deca Office 3-3-245/2 next to Bejai church complex, Bejai, Mangalore, 575004 India


Mon-Fri 9am-4pm

Location Maps