kanthavaraforestbasecamp@gmail.com, Liane +91-8971770055, Puru +91-9108066377, Reservation Form, Check-in, Write a Review, Video
Educational and Entertaining - Basecamp (Google location Map) is located next to Kanthavara forest, famous for leopards, wild boar, porcupine, birds and butterflies
Bambusetum, Bamboo Farming and Arch. & Const. Applications
Biodiversity, Camera Trap basics, How the Basecamp started, Arboretum, Permaculture study tour, Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF), Picnic, Camping, Herping, WFF, Join BNHS, Join Bamboo Society of India, KAPY+BSI, Volunteer info, Apply for Internship, Regenerative Agriculture - Rubber - Tapping and Process, Why Forest Compost is the best, Yoga, Diet detox, Urwa - Farmville, Laudato Si - Study Tour, Jeeth and Bhuvan in Kanthavara, Gallery 2, Book via Ticket Shifu, PaySCT
Kanthavara Forest Basecamp www.deca.in/eco
👆 Reservations, Location map, Check-in, Visitors Gallery, Entry at Gate-2
Parking of Bus at T Junction (unpaved) https://maps.app.goo.gl/R4UqNJteNsKbYaC58
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